Saturday, November 24, 2007


This is one of the very first movies I saw in 2007...and it remains one of the very best. Director David Fincher delivers another success in his string of psychological thrillers...(SE7EN and FIGHT CLUB have quickly become cult classics). ZODIAC packs a lot into one film --- edge of your seat suspense, brilliant acting, and some of the creepiest on-screen moments in years. Mark Ruffalo is superb as the lead detective on the case...Jake Gylenhaal is terrific as a young newspaper cartoonist...Robert Downey Jr. is excellent as the prototypical seventies hard-boiled reporter...and all three of these men share a life-altering obsession with solving the ZODIAC mystery. The movie is about each of these men and how the ZODIAC case impacted their lives...but its also about the case itself, and while there is almost no blood...the murder scenes will leave you haunted. This is a masterfully made movie and one of the year's best. 4 1/2 of 5 hs

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