Sunday, November 11, 2007


MR BROOKS is one of the more thought provoking films of the year. Kevin Costner is cast as an all-american business man/family man with one small addiction to murder. Casting Costner ia a serial killer is interesting enough...but how about William Hurt as his diabolical alter ego continually urging him...tempting him...pushing him. While the film's story line keeps you thinking serial killer...the real subject of the film is addicition. Everyone has their vice: drinking, gambling, smoking, stealing, lying, using drugs, sex, cheating in business or on your taxes...whatever. Get away with it once and you're tempted even more the next time. Battling those demons is something most people face to a wide variety of degrees. Imagine the vice is murder and what demons that would harbor. That's exactly what MR BROOKS is all about. It's well done...and has a whopper of an ending. Although imperfect and certaibly reliant on more than its fair share of luck and coincidence - its worth a look. 3.5 of 5 hs

1 comment:

Joe said...

I pretty much agree. Joe