Thursday, December 6, 2007


One of the 15 finalists for the Best Docuementary Oscar...this is a must see. The movie opens with the camera asking Japanese teenagers on the streets of Hiroshima and Nagasaki if they know what significant event took place in August of 1945. None of them know the answer. There's a haunting reality in the thought that anyone could ever begin to forget about those bombings...especially on those very city streets. This movie reminds us all of the horror of atomic weapons and begs us all to never let such a thing happen again. To its credit the film is not condemning of the actions the US took on Auguast 6th and 9th, 1945...but it also vividly described the horrors of what happened in the aftermath of those warheads falling from the Enola Gay. A searing documentary that's only flaw is in not going even deeper. 4 of 5 hs

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